Ambient advertising in Warsaw (Poland)
Do you think of an original advertisement that will remain in your memory for a long time? You’re in the right place! We recommend a very effective form of communication at the highest office building in Warsaw. The high quality and modern design of Warsaw Spire surrounded by interesting architecture perfectly captures the effect of advertising illumination. The Warsaw Spire tower is the perfect place for effective communication. We sincerely invite to enter into a dialogue with customers and prospective customers through communication on the Warsaw Spire tower. The Warsaw Spire tower is located in the very center of the office complex so the campaigns on the tower reach people moving across Warsaw. It is the only and the most spectacular illumination in Poland. Our projects are marketing activities carried out using various media, e.g. building facades, public transport (buses, trams, subway), graffiti and murals. These activities bring together the fields of ATL and BTL. They are carried out on request to the selected product/service or event. Our projects are inimitable and unique, which is why they attract the attention of consumers.
The use of non-standard forms of advertising to customer interaction is more and more appreciated by companies. In combination with other forms of advertising and brand promotion they may hold the key to the success of many campaigns.
Ambient advertising is dedicated to both larger and smaller enterprises. This type of advertising is definitely going to be a promotion of a new product, a tool for increasing sales or building a positive image of the company. The campaign can be combined with sampling so it is possible to easily examine the customer’s opinion about the product offered.