Generation Z and OOH advertising, how does it work?
Generation Z and OOH advertising? – many will ask with surprise. It turns out that this young (born after 1995), labour market entrant and typically technical generation prefers advertising media similar to traditional ones to those strictly digital. It particularly likes OOH. How is this happening?
If one were to define Generation Z, the first thought that would come to mind would be: the generation of digital natives. And surprisingly, it is for this digitised generation that OOH advertising is their favourite type of advertising, as shown for example by the Kantar Millward Brown study1 from 2017. What’s more, OOH advertising also attracts the attention of Generation Z when republished and shared online, as shown in a survey conducted by Harris Poll and the Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA).2 But one step at a time
Generation Z are people who not only love the internet, but also grew up on digital platforms. 75% of them spend more than an hour a day online, but only 1/3 of them like online ads. Most of them have learned to avoid such digital promotions (70%) or use online ad blocking software (52%).
Why does Generation Z prefer outdoor advertising (OOH)?
Nowadays, all generations tend to go online more than an hour a day, but it is Generation Z that primarily uses the smartphone for this (as it is a natural part of these consumers’ lives). Furthermore, this generation is the most intensive user of social media (63% of them visit Facebook at least several times a day, 66% use YouTube and 36% use Instagram). However, as the aforementioned Kantar Millward Brown study shows, for Generation Z, their favourite ad formats are not digital ads but, to say the least, traditional ones. OOH (55% of respondents), cinema (53% of respondents) and magazines (51% of respondents) top the list of most preferred ads. These are rated much higher than ads in digital media (including display, search, mobile).
Generation Z strongly demands respect for its privacy, also in relation to advertising. This is why they view OOH advertising positively, as it is effective in attracting the eye, engaging in communication and drawing them into the story, while at the same time not interfering with any activity that is currently being undertaken. It is worth noting here that this generation is particularly active, mobile, spending time away from home and with a high purchasing potential (quick purchase reactions). OOH, in their view, occupies a unique position as it is perceived as non-invasive advertising in their lives, in their activities and in the content they are constantly searching for. In addition, they find it interesting entertainment, valuable information and an opportunity to rate/recommend it to others (if only through social networks). According to Generation Z, OOH advertising is a well-designed, attractive form of information transfer. It is an extremely relaxing moment while waiting for someone or something (billboards, boards, illuminations, clinics, media in shops or shopping malls), while riding the bus (advertising on buses, trams, underground, or at bus stops), during breaks at school (advertising at universities). Nearly half of those surveyed in a Harris Poll and Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) survey said that contextual OOH ads are more interesting than typical ads.
How OOH works on social media
As you already know, Generation Z as intensive internet/smartphone users don’t like to have their activities disrupted (right to privacy), yet they like to have control over what they see, like, follow and share on social media. They in no way condone brands telling them what to buy or what to look out for, especially in relation to pop-up ads or ad bumpers). However, a Harris Poll and Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) survey showed that young people not only engage with OOH ads, but also share them when they are published on social media.OOH advertising gets Generation Z’s attention when these ads are once again published and shared online. Among both Generation Z and Millenials, 67% remember seeing OOH ads on social media. Additionally, such images are shared by 91% of Generation Z and 82% of Generation Y. Most importantly, according to the survey, 85% of Generation Z and 78% of Generation Y engage with the OOH ads they see and take specific actions, including app downloads (46% of Generation Z) and e-commerce purchases (27% of Millennials).
Although Generation Z appears to be a relatively young and inexperienced social group, it is a counterintuitively loyal group to brands. According to a report by the IBM Institute for Business Value and the National Retail Federation3, 59% of those surveyed said they trust the consumer brands of their childhood, 46% of people indicated a “strong connection or loyalty” to a brand, and 66% said they tend to buy from their preferred brand for a long time. So it turns out that Generation Z is not only a generation devoted to a particular brand, but also a generation that can actively contribute to a brand’s success, especially as it is a busy and shoppable group.
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