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⌛️Effective advertising campaign

👍 Effective advertising campaign

👍 Effective advertising campaign

If one were to ask what the purpose of any brand is, the answer would be clear: to draw the consumer’s attention to the products and encourage their use (purchase). For this to happen, the potential buyer must learn about the existence of the proposed goods or services. The best way to do this is through an effective message that allows the recipient to learn about the offer of a given company. This effective message is nothing more than advertising, known for thousands of years, which informs, attracts attention, persuades and encourages purchase. Advertising, however, to meet the expectations of the advertiser, must be effective. Here it is worth stopping and asking ourselves: when and why is advertising not effective?

⌛️The goal of any brand is an effective advertising campaign.

An effective one, that is, one that not only informs, educates, reminds about its product, but also induces a purchase. However, this unique type of communication with the consumer does not always meet the expectations, both of the sender (advertiser) and the recipient (customer).

Recently, while riding the streetcar, I was listening to a conversation between two students. They were vividly discussing why it was not them, but their friend who won the school government elections. After all, they are well-liked, they also presented their program in front of the class, sent info on Messenger to their colleagues (and even with funny content). They really made an effort to convince the “school voters”. And her? She hung a few posters in the lobby of the school, which probably no one read and which everyone just passed by, and for the preparation of which she had to spend money… At this point, involuntarily, the answer to their “pains” came to me: for advertising to be successful, it must cooperate and interact with other marketing tools and business elements. Then I began to “take apart” their strategy. Yes, the students undertook informal – direct and indirect – communication with their audiences (they sent a message to the public, used social media, influenced the senses of potential customers through an entertaining message), but they forgot about the formal dimension of communication, such as planned marketing activities in the form of advertising visible to most consumers. Moreover, they thought all marketing could be done online (which is a common approach in today’s world), but ignored an effective strategy such as OOH advertising (and which their rival successfully used).

⌛️A seemingly trivial student situation became a reason to try to formulate an answer to the question: what to do to make advertising effective. It turns out that an effective advertising campaign must be based on a variety of brand promotion activities and different message strategies, including through TV, the Internet, the press and outdoor (OOH) and radio advertising. Moreover, in addition to being credible, unique and memorable, advertising must also be visible and accessible to a wide audience. This condition is ideally met by outdoor advertising. The wide reach of this advertising, related primarily to its location, makes it seen daily by the entire audience. In addition, OOH contains the most important element for remembering the ad, that is, the established frequency of the message. No other medium of communication has this. What’s more, the interesting graphic design of outdoor advertising, moving images and color saturation further attract the viewer’s eyes and cause the WOW effect, that positive reaction resulting from pleasant surprise. This makes customers remember the images they see for a long time, especially since they interact with them all the time and every day – outdoor advertising they can’t turn off, as in the case of TV, skip – which they often do using the Internet, or change channels, as in radio. Undeniably, OOH advertising gains and has an advantage over other media in terms of reaching a well-defined target group: professionally active people and employees of corporations (A-type office buildings in Warsaw), travelers (carriers in means of transport, at railway stations, airports), active shoppers (advertising in stores or parcel machines), young active people (as in the case of TV Student), patients (TV Pharma premium)….

⌛️The solutions proposed by BE Media are a particularly broad spectrum of possibilities for advertisers and a very important element in planning an effective advertising strategy, especially since today’s outdoor advertising is a diverse mix of not only billboards, but also small architecture, transportation and media in a specific location chosen by the client.

If one were to answer the question of what actions to take to make advertising effective, it could be defined in one word: INTEGRATED, that is, using the most important media. Nowadays, TV or the Internet alone is not enough, especially since people are eager to go out and spend time away from home. Brands, in order to achieve advertising effectiveness, must plan the advertising budget in such a way as to take care of the entire message. Its inseparable component is creative outdoor advertising, which fits perfectly into the solutions proposed by BE Media (as OOH with a strictly defined target group).

We invite you to effective cooperation 🔝BE Media 

Joanna Pełech-Mikulska

Charismatic manager of the creative and client department of BE Media agency. A graduate of economics, political science and management. The author of numerous publications in the field of advertising, marketing and persuasion in communication. She has always been associated with marketing, and above all with creative outdoor advertising. She took her first professional steps in marketing departments in the United States, where she completed a 2-year graduate internship. After returning to Poland, she worked in the Polish branch of an American technology company, where she was responsible for the company's day-to-day contacts with Polish media and key business partners. The author of texts and a traveller with a passion for singing who adheres to the principle that there are no short-cuts to success.