Advertising in public transport in Poznań
Advertising in public transport in Poznań
Advertising in public transport in Poznań allows easy access to the inhabitants of Wielkopolska province. This is one of the most effective forms of promotion recommended for both local companies and larger enterprises – in the second case, it is worth thinking about the nationwide campaign. Advertising of this type is very often chosen among the FMCG industry and service companies – the choice is based on the effectiveness of the previous campaigns. However, this is not a guideline, this type of advertisement may work equally well in other industries. Transit advertising in Poznań is mainly done with the use of buses, we will soon try to include trams in the offer. There are over 50 buses in the city with the possibility of placing advertisements both inside and outside the vehicle. We offer advertising on monitors inside the vehicles, based on digital signage technology, as well as other non-standard forms of advertising, e.g. fullback, ambient.




Advertise in Poznan!
Advertising in public transport affects the potential consumer without being ignored. Use public transport and gain new customers. Advertising on buses is a great way of promotion. A passenger, or recipient, is usually not focused on other activities and involuntarily absorbs the information. Unlike adverts in other mass media, advertising on buses cannot be turned off. Such transit forms of advertising are perfectly suited in all cities, including Poznan. It is worth remembering that frames in buses, fullback advertising or screens in buses are a far effective way of reaching the recipient than a regular billboard, mainly due to the mobility of advertisements.
public transport - for whom?
Advertising in digital signage technology, that is advertising on screens in public transport, catches the eyes of travellers. Short spots without audio as well as slides are dynamic and they effectively attract attention with their attractive form of communication. This is an ideal advertisement for local entrepreneurs operating in Poznań or it can be an element of the campaign for companies targeting the service at a wider audience.