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Advertising in elevators


Posters in lifts

Posters in lifts are a modern form of promotion that is a great alternative to leaflets and advertising mailings which lie in mailboxes for months or simply land in a trash can. Advertising in lifts does not entail such a risk – posters are placed directly in front of the recipient’s eyes during each journey by lift. The advertising message in such a limited place – separated from the factors that distract our attention – involuntarily attracts the viewer’s eyes, and the high frequency of contact with the advertisement further strengthens the message in the recipients’ minds.


Advertising in lifts is an excellent advertising solution for companies located in the vicinity of office buildings and blocks of flats. Posters and stickers in lifts are a simple option to acquire a consumer, easily, especially by the possibility of pointing the offer directly at the addressee. You can reach the inhabitants of large blocks of flats and employees of many corporations located in office buildings through adverts in lifts. As the audience’s interests are very different, the message can be just as diverse.

Advertising available around the clock
Possibility of reaching the precisely specified recipient

High visibility of ads
High coverage of the campaign
A relatively cheap and effective promotional tool
Increased brand awareness
453 locations
58 073 people within reach
151 729 estimated monthly reach

Stickers in lifts

Poster stickers in the lifts of office buildings are the perfect complement to advertising on posters. Stickers can be placed inside the lifts and on the outside of the door, thanks to which the advertisement can be seen not only for those going by the lift, but also for those waiting. Advertising in lifts is an effective way to reach employees and executives of companies in office buildings.